Oveana is Committed to the Health & Safety of Our Employees, Customers, & Guests
The health and safety of our employees, customers, and guests is our #1 priority, and Oveana is committed to taking the necessary precautions to mitigate exposure to COVID-19. We are closely monitoring the prevalence of the virus and remain vigilant of any developments that may impact the safety of our employees and customers in and out of work. We are continuously working to ensure that healthy individuals are not at risk onsite and that those impacted have the time they need to recover. Additionally, we are following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) closely. While we provide regular updates to our employees and customers, we have also compiled additional resources below to be referenced as needed!
What We’re Doing:
Additional COVID-19 Resources:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – How to manage stress and anxiety during COVID-19
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): Protect yourself financially from the impact of coronavirus
- U.S. Department of Labor – Career OneStop Unemployment Benefits Finder
- U.S. Department of Labor – Family and Medical Leave Act Questions and Answers
- U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
- District of Columbia COVID-19 Resources
- San Antonio Chamber of Commerce: Rapid Response Coronavirus Tools & Resources
- Essential StaffCARE Products and Benefits Related to COVID-19: FAQ
- The HOPE Center: Resources for college students experiencing hunger, homelessness, as a result of COVID-19
- Teach For America – Resources for Public Schools
- Undocuscholars COVID-19 Resources for Undocumented Communities
- United Way 211: FAQ’s, resources available to those impacted
- WhyHunger Hotline: helping those in need find local healthy food resources
- Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC): Cómo manejar el estrés y la ansiedad durante COVID-19
- Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB): Protégete financieramente del impacto del coronavirus
- Departamento de trabajo de los Estados Unidos: Buscador de beneficios de desempleo profesional
- Departamento de trabajo de los Estados Unidos: Ley y Licencia Médica Familiar Preguntas y Respuestas
- Administración de Pequeños Negocios de los Estados Unidos (SBA) Coronavirus (COVID-19): Orientación para pequeñas empresas y recursos de préstamos
- Recursos COVID-19 del Distrito de Columbia
- Cámara de Comercio de San Antonio: Herramientas y recursos de coronavirus de respuesta rápida
Sin ánimo de lucro
- El Centro HOPE: Recursos para estudiantes universitarios que padecen hambre, falta de vivienda, como resultado de COVID-19
- Enseñar para América: Recursos para escuelas públicas
- Undocuscholars COVID-19 Recursos para comunidades indocumentadas
- United Way 211: Preguntas frecuentes, recursos disponibles para los afectados
- WhyHunger Hotline: Ayudar a los necesitados a encontrar recursos locales de alimentos saludables